A Weekend Brag – Rugby’s First Trial

A Weekend Brag – Rugby’s First Trial

This past weekend, the pups and I traveled down to Catawba, SC to show in the C2P2 CDSP trial weekend. It’s one of my favorite clubs to show with. Good people, great facility, and a lot of fun. And I have to admit we had a pretty successful weekend. Spark...
Straightness Is The Essence of Rightness (And Leftness)

Straightness Is The Essence of Rightness (And Leftness)

This started out as a short post, but somehow got away from me. #SorryNotSorry. TLDR version: Strive for equilibrium (I like that word better than “balance”), and teachers should (at least occasionally), put their money where their mouth is. Really, this is all Alex...
Just. One. More.

Just. One. More.

You’ve seen it before. You started the session as planned. At first the dog is a little rusty, takes a few reps to get in the groove. Then you find that sweet spot. He hits the target 5, 6, 7 times in a row. Maybe even 10 or 20 times. Then all of a sudden, you cue the...
Legit Luring: The “Treat Magnet”

Legit Luring: The “Treat Magnet”

But wait! I thought luring was “illegal” for clicker trainers? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?? Whoa, whoa, whoa… Hold your horses (or llamas or whatever). Luring, or putting a treat in front of the animal’s nose to guide a movement or behavior, is a tool and it has it’s...
The SECRET to Clicker Training for Duration

The SECRET to Clicker Training for Duration

I spend a lot of shower time ruminating on the intricacies of teaching a behavior with duration. What a rabbit hole… so many layers. While pondering some of my past training mistakes, Dr. Rosales-Ruiz’s words about behavior cycles popped into my mind and...